Snyk navbar resources tab design

Developer Markepear testimonials

The "Resources" tab is the most loved and hated tab for developer marketers.

Ok so the common problem is that you have lots of different resources:

  • docs
  • product videos
  • meetup videos
  • recorded webinars
  • learning center guides
  • blog articles that don't talk about your product
  • and so much more stuff

You want to showcase them in the navbar but where do you put them?

Under product? Company? Docs?

How to make sure that people don't go to your blog to read about your product just to find out that you talk about the industry problems there?

Enter the "Resources" tab. The "Miscellaneous" of the navbar world.

And typically it is just crammed with all stuff that doesn't fit anywhere. Just like any respectable misc folder would.  

How do you deal with that?

Snyk approached it in a clear and logical way:

  • Add sub-navigation
  • Make it clear to devs which parts are about the product and which ones are not
  • They use "Using Snyk" and "Learn & Connect" that could be extended to "Using {Product} and "Learning {Category/Problem}"

I love this (and already stole the idea for our site).

  • See Snyk website
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call to action
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Playground CTA in the navbar resources section from Prisma

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landing page

Auth0 developer portal Getting started cross-section

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Article header from Teleport


"CI" vs "Build" A/B test from Earthly

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hero section

Header design from Alpaca

call to action

ShiftMag Newsletter CTA copy

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How it works crossover from Mux

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Subtle GitHub CTA in navbar from Aporia

call to action
product led growth
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Posthog "do not talk to us" copy

social posts

Basic Reddit Ad from Kubero